Sound as healing
vibration and frequency

Music for the Soul

The sounds of healing
Await you
Like trees dreaming of raindrops.

Let me guide you on a journey
of musical transformation
Where every cell of your body
Vibrates to the frequency of love,
Peace, remembrance of light.

Can you allow yourself the gift
of self-love?
A river of tears that may flow,
even some moments of sleep, and
memories asking to be released?

Would you, could you
close your eyes and breathe deeply
into your entire being?
As I gently yet powerfully channel
the possibility of drums, bells, bowls,
strings, voice, handpan, and meditative
piano music into your body in a bath
of sound vibration frequencies?
Imagine, if you will, your body as an orchestra waiting for a soulful conductor.
We will create an intention together to allow sound as healing, listening, feeling
in a safe sacred place wherever that may
be for you; nature, your home,
someplace quiet and free of distractions.
My Soul Mission
My soul-coded gifts are expanding from being a river guide in the Grand Canyon for 37 years to coming online/in-person with vocal resonance coaching, sound healing, and quantum light language activations. (I dream of in-person drum and song circles on my future ocean going boat to sing with whales!!)

As a child I experienced severe trauma that caused me to struggle with being seen and heard as an adult. That’s why I created my business SwanSong, where I serve as a vocal empowerment channel, to guide you in your journey to live in the fullest expression of yourself.

I’ve been a singer and musician since I was a little girl. My mom got me into piano lessons at age 10 and I eventually graduated with two college degrees in Music Composition and Elementary Education.

During the pandemic I felt the clarion call to study music again with incredible teachers and courses in drumming, ukulele, guitar mantras, and song-writing.

I’ve always been a teacher and a guide for transformation and have certifications in yoga and Ayurveda.

I love gardening and was also a successful organic grower for many years while also being a yoga teacher.

So basically I love holding space and sacred space for transformation. I love connecting consciousness to nature and the sacred space of the universe.

In my future newsletters I will share the story of SwanSong and more about my teachers. But for now I simply give thanks for the opportunity to be of service. Because as I share my story of healing which is quite profound in its various layers it gives me great insight to hear yours.

Much love and gratitude,
Lynn, Begonia, Bija (I’m a dog rescuer too!)

Thank you
for being here.

All of you is welcome now.

Each day I ask and I pray
how may I serve in love
to be a guide
on this beautiful torturous path
called life

The voice is the most powerful instrument of our body.
Silence and sound.
Waves of frequency

You have a voice.

Music may save us in its light.
Its geometry of patterns to shape the universe.
What are your gifts?
How do you hear your voice?
Our voice expresses the song of our soul.
Even in the depths of silence and space there is the stream of consciousness
beckoning us to awaken!!!
Our life force, spirit, however you wish to define it; the Source of all creation, is
waiting to be heard.
Do you hear this calling?

Do you feel this longing
to be seen and heard?

You are a divine soul

We are connected in this web of light and darkness on sacred glorious earth.

Together we journey.
We breathe, move, and simply be.

We create our songs even as we breathe.

We give voice to our pain, our suffering, the joy of laughter, the grace of peace.

Our feelings and thoughts don’t need to stay bottled up inside us as stagnant energy.

You have the power within to heal yourself.

Your body is an orchestra, a symphony of cells.

Your tears are lovingly welcomed.

You are a song of the universe.
You are a conduit waiting to be lit up,
to shine!!
You are unique in the matrix of unity.
The bridge between the earth and sky is you
I wish to inspire you to create from the authentic core of you!
Your heart, mind, body and the essence of you is patiently waiting to be expressed.
You have a voice!
In all it’s good, the bad, and the ugly.
You have a soul waiting to be known.
You have a temple called your body.
Let it breathe in the freedom of expression.
Let it heal. Feel. Be raw and real.
Open your voice with deep inner trust.
Let your belly laugh.
Let the river of creativity flow.
Surf the wave of creation
Heal your heart and soul.
I am the offering of my soul.
Be the offering of your soul.
The journey is the destination to the truth of you!
It would be
my honor to serve you on this path of your soul voice awakening.
It would be a pleasure to bring healing sounds of light into your temple.
Together we can sail into the Akashic ocean of possibilities.