from my heart to yours
Your intuitive voice
is the love song of your soul
When the Soul Whispers, Sing!
Your voice is a vibration of who you are.
What is the frequency of you?
There is a river of expression in your voice.
Would you set the channel free?
Do you ever sing to trees? Or flowers, bees?
Do you know the joy of song?
The creation of life starts with a sound.
Your breath is the portal.
Your heart holds the rhythm
Who I am
I am a divinely inspired being, highly trained guide and coach to activate as well as empower your channel of vocal expression.

As a child I experienced severe trauma that caused me to struggle with being seen and heard as an adult. That’s why I created my business SwanSong, where I serve as a vocal empowerment channel, to guide you in your journey to live in the fullest expression of yourself.

I am here to serve you in your journey of vocal empowerment.

When you work/play with me you will smile and laugh, and you will sing. There may be a few tears too. You won’t be bored.

Your vocal resonance will vibrate with new frequencies of emotion, authenticity, and joy,

Together we will open our hearts to lead you and the new earth into the quantum field of possibilities through the voice and sound.

We may use the drum.

We may hum.

We will create affirmations and sing our prayers to amplify our love.

I will help you trust your voice as a powerful vessel of sacred transmissions.

Creative expression is at the soul of all that I do as a teacher, songwriter, poet, and sound healer.

Mother Earth and the sacredness of nature in everything guides me.

My mission


is to serve the awakening of unity consciousness through medicine songs, drumming, and sharing music circles.


I am a teacher of teachers, healers, and coaches.

Anyone who uses their voice to serve others will benefit by my experience and guidance as a wisdom keeper of sacred sound through voice and song, poetry, and public speaking.

I am more than a coach because I offer a blend and a weaving of technique and magic.

I am more than a sound healer because I believe that each of us has the inner power to heal ourselves through our own voice.

Inspiration and intuition channeling the divine in nature, humanity, and the heavens are who I am as an oracle of expression.

You are an oracle and a miracle!!

As well there are times when we simply need to receive and in that space I have an orchestra of instruments and my voice to guide you on a journey of healing where your own light will guide you out of the shadows of pain.

Do you choose to receive the abundance of the universe?
Do you believe in the ancient power of sound as healing?
Do you know the power and beauty of your own voice?
My songs and poetry
The voice of harmony
May we gather together
like birds of a feather
to create harmony.