The dam is broken

I wanted to sell you a
Songwriting adventure
I’d teach you how to reconnect
With the resonance of your voice
To share authentic expression
As soul filled choice
To honor your inner child
Of vulnerability
Create from your heart
Instead of your head
Be a channel of divinity
Listen to your higher self instead.
I wanted to let you know
How I guided 1000’s of miles of rivers
For 37 years safely and soundly
In places called Grand Canyon,
Cateract, Desolation/Gray, Westwater.
How I held space for souls
To transform fears and drink
In the beauty of relentless desert heat,
Giant crashing muddy waves,
Monsoons of thunder, lightening, rain
Ancestral energies,turquoise streams of
Dreamy waterfalls, pools of crystal water,
In the depths of billions of years of
Geologic time
I wanted to sing again
In slithery slot canyons,
On soft sandy beaches
From the throne of my boats
To caress you in mother nature’s
Acoustics unrivaled by any studio
In places like Blacktail Canyon,
Matkatamiba, Redwall Cavern
Then I fell from grace,
To watch my father
Descend into dementia
Pass quietly into death
As I succumbed to my stress
And fluid-filled breath
My womb inflamed
By lifetimes of shame,
Swords, surgeons’ knives,
Narcissists’ blame
What is left to sell?
My magic calls
From my deep dark shell of self
In drums, my voice,
Strings and bells,
Piano, kalimba,
Songs and sounds
Of healing, chanting
Prayers to planets,
Singing songs of freedom
To all as we give birth
To a new earth
In love
In peace
May it be so
All hearts as one.