Gratitude Medicine Song

Ooo wee
I thank thee
In gratitude
I know
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the trees
In gratitude
I breathe
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I am a seed
In gratitude
I grow
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the bees
In gratitude
So sweet
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank a rose
In gratitude
I bloom
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the sea
In gratitude
I flow
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
In beauty
I see
In gratitude
I glow
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the sun
In gratitude
I shine
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank
the moon
In gratitude
I howl
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank my voice
In gratitude
I sing
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank my heart
In gratitude
I love
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank a drum
In gratitude
I hum
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the snow
In gratitude
I play
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank the sky
In gratitude
Of snow
Oh Heya ho
Ooo eee
I thank thee
Oh holy